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This Tech News was happened in the day of 12/06/2021, this is shadow of it. So, Read it, Spread it and Enjoy!

McDonald's data has been leaked in South Korea and Taiwan. Attackers accessed Customer Emails, Phone numbers and Delivery Addresses data.

➽ Farmers of UK Family uses "COW MUCK" to produce Renewable Energy for Cryptocurrency Mining.

➽ Netflix will launch it's own Online store, it will sell Merchandise of various shows and films. They will start by selling Stranger Thing's stuff.

➽ Tesla Model S Plaid is far better than Sony PS5, because this car offers 22 speaker sound system with home theater experience : Elon Musk

➽ Blue origin auction completed New Shepherd ride with Jeff Bezos to the Space for $28 Million.

➽ Excited about FAR CRY 6? Ubisoft will launch Far Cry 6 on Consoles and PCs on 7th October 2021.

➽ Facebook is moving forward in gaming industry, recently it bought another gaming studio named BigBox VR.

 Wipro CEO named Thierry Delaporte gets high package in 2020-21. He got $8.7 Million as salary.

➽ Google will update it's Chrome OS as fast as it's Web Browser.