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AWS Interview


1. What is AWS?

AWS means Amazon Web Service, which is provided by Amazon. It provides services like, software, IT as a services. Even, it provide many various kind of IT infrastructure. 

2. Make a list of an AWS component

• Simple Email Service
• CloudWatch
• Elastic Compute Cloud
• Simple Storage Service
• Elastic Block Store
• Identity Access Management
• Routr53

3. What is Edge location in AWS?

It is the endpoints in AWS specially for content. In this present time, there are more than 150 edge location. To know about more click here.

4. What are EBS volumes?

It is automatically replicated within its availability zone to prevent from the component failure. Even, it provide perfect availability, stability and performance required for workloads. EBS allows to storage volumes and attach.

5. How many types of EBS volume?

There are 2 type of EBS volumes
1. SSD 
2. HDD

6. What is SNS?

SNS means Simple Notification Service. It is a web service, which provide high flexibility, cost-effective capability to give messages from an application and sends them to other applications. It's kind of sending messages.

7. What is S3?

It is a storage service, which allows to store a massive amount of data. It is totally secure with high facilities and security.

8. How can you secure the access to your S3 bucket? 

S3 bucket can be secured in two ways:-

1. Access Control List ( ACL ) :-
                                       It is used to control the resources of objects, which is perfectly connected with ACL. Plenty of AWS accounts have granted type of access. Whenever, any user of AWS send request for resource, it is verify by ACL and after that it approved. So, it has an entire control over AWS.

2. Bucket Policies :-
                                      It is only applied to S3 bucket, which work as storage in AWS. it has only policies to do actions allowed or denied. It applied in all the object in S3 bucket.

There are following elements of Bucket Policy:-
▪︎ Effect
▪︎ Sid
▪︎ Principal
▪︎ Resources 
▪︎ Action

9. What is AMI?

AMI - Amazon Machine Image. It is a virtual image to create some kind of machine stuff with EC2. It can be shared to anyone.

10. What is an EIP?

EIP - Elastic IP address. It is a service, which is provided by EC2. It is static IP address, which is not attached with AWS account or EC2. We can just map it of EIP. We can create maximum 5 EIP as per AWS account.

11. What are the various kind of routing policies?

Here are some different types of Policies:-

1. Simple Routing Policy
2. Latency- based Routing Policy 
3. Weighted Routing Policy 
4. Geolocation Routing Policy
5. Failover Routing Policy

12. What is SAML?

SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language. Basically, it is xml based framework and also it is identity provider. It is a technique of achieving Single Sign-on ( SSO ).

13. How many types of SAML provider?

There are only 2 type of SAML :-

1. Service Provider
2. Identity Provider

14. What is VPC?

VPC - Virtual Private Cloud. It is an isolated area of AWS. It provides entire control over networks and IP address. Even, route tables and subnets are also under of VPC.

15. How many subsets can you have per VPC?

In VPC, there are 200 subsets, which we can obtain.

➽ This is model questions and answers, but this is also important question will be asked in any companies, but mostly in Amazon. So, be prepared for other complex questions.

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