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Web Service Interview


1. What is Web Service?

 The Web Service is a standard software system, which is used for communication between 2 devices { Client and Server } over the network. It provides a common platform for different applications to communicate with each other over the network.

2. What kind of web services are available?

There are 2 types of web services are available :-
1. SOAP :- It is an XML - based protocol for accessing web services
2. RESTful :- It is an architectural style, but it is not a protocol.

3. What is SOAP?

SOAP :- Simple Object Access Protocol. It is an XML based protocol for web services. It is entirely independent on platform and Language. By using SOAP, we can interact with other programming language. 

4. What is RESTful web services?

RESTful - Representational State Transfer. It is not protocol like SOAP. It is an architectural style web service. 

5. What types of tools are used to test web service?

These tools are used to test web services :-

1. Poster - Firefox Browser
2. Postman - Extension for Chrome
3. SoapUI tool - for testing SOAP and RESTful web services

6. What is UDDI?

UDDI - Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. It is a XML based framework for describing web service. It have a list of available web service. WSDL is the part of UDDI.

7. What is the use of WSDL?

WSDL is used to describe the availability of service.

8. What are the advantages of Restful web services?

These are listed advantages of Restful web services:-

1. Language Independent 
2. Platform Independent 
3. Fast
4. Use SOAP
5. Allows different data format 

9. What are the advantages of SOAP web services? 

There are some advantages of SOAP, which will be given below :-

1. Language Independent 
2. Platform Independent 
3. WS Security 

10. What is Synchronicity? 

It is used to bind the client to the execution of the service, where the client blocked and waits for the service to complete its operation. It execute different functions to clients.

11. Describe BEEP.

BEEP - Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol. It is an alternative to HTTP and FTP. It is the variety of new applications such as instant messaging, file transfer. Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ), layered directly over TCP. 

Features of BEEP protocol :-
▪︎ Security
▪︎ Error Handling 
▪︎ Initial Handshake Protocol
▪︎ Authentication 

12. What is SOA?

SOA - Service Oriented Architecture, which is design pattern to provide services to other applications via protocol.

13. What are the advantages of Web services? 
Here are some important advantages of Web services :-

1. Reusability 
2. Modularity 
3. Interoperability 
4. Cheaper Communications 
5. Perfect Protocol for every application program 

14. What is Interoperability in web service? 

It is helpful to make easier communication with each other and share data even also services. While other applications can also use web services. Like, a VB or .NET application.

15. What is RPC?

RPC - Remote Procedure Call, it refers to made calls with different methods, which are hosted by related web services. 

➽ This is model questions and answers, but this is also important question will be asked in any Technical companies. So, be prepared for other complex questions.

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